Parks & Sanctuary In India
Corbett National Park Fact
Information |
sq. km. 520.82 sq. km. 797.72 sq. km. 78º5' E to 79º5'
E 29º25' N to 29º40' N 365m-1100m above m.s.l. 1400
mm to 2800 mm. Min 0ºC - Max 42ºC
November to
February March to June July to October |
Census |
Animals |
1993 |
1994 |
1995 |
1996 |
1997 |
Tiger Leopard Elephant
Spotted Deer Sambar Barking Deers Hog Deer Bear Wild
Boar Gharival Mugger Ghoral Monkey Langur Blue
Bull |
123 100 417 31625 5576 2262 292 54 7670 224 118 424 12663 14091
----- |
128 102 449 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
----- ----- |
134 110 502 31919 5695 2271 294 58 7711 123 119 433 12574 14187 313
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
138 109 746 32059 5727 2229 477 40 7906 283 301 451 12764 14300 466
Tourism New Tourism Zone - Dhikala
represents the main area open to visitors. Day visits to Dhikala were banned
in 1990 and only those visitors that had confirmed overnight accommodation
were permitted to enter form the National Park gate. As the toatal number of
beds in different forest rest houses in Dhikala Zone is a mare 113, this
represented one of the strictest controls on the number of visitors entering
the NP. The ban was enforced as per the recommendations of a committee
constituted by the Government of India. In order to cope with the increasing
demand of the tourists, an alternate day visit zone was set up at Bijrani.
In 1996 three more tourism zones were demarcated within the reorganized
Corbett. These included the Sonanadi WLS and the Jhirna and Lohachaur zone
located in the buffer.
At present, the area open to visitors in
Corbett Tiger Reserve has been divided into five mutually exclusive tourism
zones, each having a separate gate/gates for entrance. A visitor wishing to
go from one zone to another has to come out and Reserve-enter through the
gate for the other zone. This has been done to disperse visitor pressure all
around the Reserve and check excessive visitor numbers in more popular
areas. Conducted Day Visits - Conducted day visits were initiated in 1996 to
motivate visitors to stay out of the NP and go inside only for wildlife
viewing in small groups.
Year |
National Tourists |
Foreign Tourists |
1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98
28480 37265 37459 41283 45019 45009
3483 6199 4771 5415 4923 4391
Highways No Highway passes through the
Reserve. There is a State Highway (Moradabad-Tehari S.H.No.4) lying on the
eastern boundary of Corbett Tiger Reserve from Ramnagar to Marchula for
about 35 km.
Diseases Nil
An area of 13.62 ha. Forest land is under encroachment by 74 families.
Other Weeds The spread of exotic weeds such as
Lantana, Parthenium and Cassia species is posing a major threat to the
habitat. Vast stretches of the Reserve are choked with Lantana growth.
Parthenium is also invading fresh areas aggressively.