Parks & Sanctuary In IndiaManas
Wildlife Sanctuary Fact File
Information |
sq. km. 520 sq. km. 2317 sq. km. 91º51' to 92º00'
E 26º30' to 27º00' N 61 m to 110 m above M.S.L. 333
cm. Min - 5ºC - Max 37ºC
March to May June
to September December to February
Census The tiger population was estimated to
be 89 during the 1997 tiger census. No comprehensive census exercise has
been carried out for quite some time, owing to the lack of well-trained
staff as well as the fragile law and order situation but there are
indications of a favourable balance between prey and predator populations.
TourismManas was closed for tourism form 1989 to
September 1995. The Reserve has since been open to visitors from November to
Years |
Indian Tourist |
Foreign Tourists |
1995 1996 1997 (upto
6.12.97) |
1424 2626 486 |
33 145 39 |
Infrastructure and Facilities
A Forest Lodge inside the Park is situated at Mothanguri. Elephant and boat
rides are available for visitors.
Highways The
National Highway No 31 adjoins Barpeta Road, which happens to be the
headquarter of Manas Tiger Reserve . The nearest pint on the souther
boundary of Manas National Park is 22 km. from this N.H., and 19 km. from
the town itself.
Encroachment The eastern and western
ranges of the Park, Bhuyanpara and Panbari respectively, are under constant
threat from the teeming fringe population trying to make inroads into the
Park area. Habitable as well as arable land is a prized commodity among the
poor tribal. About 15 sq. km. of land under the Panbari R.F. in the core
zone of the Tiger Reserve is under encroachment since 1993. Despite repeated
eviction operations, the area was forcibly reencroached almost immediately.