Parks & Sanctuary In India
Sunderbans National Park

in the Indian state of West Bengal is the estuarine phase of the Ganga as
well as of the Brahmaputra river systems. This littoral forest is the only
ecological habitat of the tiger of its kind not only in India but also in
the world, except in Bangladesh. The typical littoral forests of Sundarbans
comprises of a host of trees species adopted to the peculiar estuarine
condition of high salinity, lack of soil erosion and daily inundation by
high tides.
Sunderbans Tiger Reserve provides characteristic type
of habitat suitable for animals inhabiting vast tidal swamp area. Because of
their intimate association with the estuarine environment, a sizeable
portion of aquatic and semi-aquatic animal communities is inter-related with
the animals inhabiting the land areas. The uniqueness of the habitat is said
to have contributed to certain behavioral trends which are characteristic
only of Sundarbans tigers.

Cheetal, wild boar and the rhesus macaque are the main prey species of
tiger. Aquatic animals like the crabs and fishes are also eaten by
Sundarbans tiger, which occupies the pinnacle of both terrestrial as well as
aquatic food web.
Sundarbans mangrove is home to a number of
endangered and globally threatened species. Number of heronries form here
during monsoon as well as during winter. The Reserve is home to several
Trans-Himalayan migratory bird species.
Forest Types Tidal
Swamp Forests
Saline Water Type Mixed Forests
Brackish W ater
Type Mixed Forests
Palm Swamp Type
General Informationx
:Best Time to Visit : September to May.
Nearest Town : Gosaba
(50 km)
How to Get Here : Air : Kolkata (Calcutta)
(112 km)
Rail : Canning (48 km)