Parks & Sanctuary In India
Sunderbans National Park
Fact File
Information |
LongitudeLatitudeAltitudeRainfallTemperature |
2585 sq. km. 1330 sq. km. 1255 sq. km. 88º05' to 89º10'
E 21º32' to 22º40' N 5.8 m to 6.1 m above M.S.L. Average
annual 1920 mm Min - 20ºC - Max 34ºC
Tiger Population
Year |
Number |
1992 1995 1997 |
251 242 256-270 |
Other Animal Population
Year |
Animal |
Population |
1989 1993 |
Deer Deer Wild
boar Rhesus macaque Water Monitor |
30886 30978 11869 37691 10272 |
Infrastructure and FacilitiesTourists are
allowed in the buffer area. A tourist lodge at Sajnakhali has accommodation
facilities for the tourists. Zilla Parishad, 24 North Paraganas has also
created an accommodation facility at Hemnagar, close to the northern
boundary of Sundarbans Tiger Reserve.
Number of Tourists
Visiting the Reserve
Year |
Number |
1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97
25824 23437 41818 45354 35515
Highways National Waterways through
Sundarbans: The propsed National waterways, if declared, through the
mangrove forests of Sundarbans, particularly through the portion of Tiger
Reserve, will affect the ecosystem adversely by large-scale human
activities, dredging of streams and oil spills of numerous water crafts and
vessels carrying cargo.
Diseases There has been no
incidence of epidemic.
Encroachment There is no
encroachment within the Sundarbans Tiger Reserve area. An attempt at
encroachment was made in 1978 in the Jhila Block (Marichjhapadi) by the
refugees from Bangladesh but it was thwarted and the area was made free of
the encroachers.
OtherHigh Vegetation Density in
the Core The vegetation in the core area is so congested at present
that it is producing a negative impact on habitat condition, and causing the
migration of both the predators and prey to the lesser cropdensity areas for
easy availability of food for herbivoures and easy movement for both
herbivores and the predators. Manipulation of crop density, therefore,
appears to be necessary to create ideal habitat condition for the tiger and
its prey animals.
Floods Flood is a recurring
phenomena in the Sundarbans region every year. The habitations are on
reclaimed land, protected by embankments constructed along the river bank
and the plan of such land is much below the level of tidal water. Almost
every year, the area experiences cyclones and the swelling of turbulent
rivers causes damage to such embankments, leading to inundation of the
habitations at places.
Oil Spill Oil spills from
ships, trawlers and mechanized boats in the coastal areas cause immense
damage to the aquatic fauna and mangrove vegetation. Brackish water fishery
contributers to water pollution, adversely affecting the ecosystem.